Interrupted Silence

Toni Cogdell

15 x 21 cm | 5 x 8 in

Subject: People
Tags: Feminine, Poetic

Pencil and acrylic over collaged text on thick heavyweight watercolour paper.

"...what is a woman? I assure you, I do not know. I do not believe that you know. I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill." Virginia Woolf


Toni Cogdell

Listen to Toni in conversation with Sarah on the podcast

The subjects of Toni Cogdell’s portraits crystallise in the midst of colour and texture’s motion, like the scattering of light across a garden. Literary and art historical allusion situate these paintings in a continuum of artistic achievement, and they examine the solitary moment of introspection that is the beginning of all such discoveries. They emerge from – or they surge toward, and are suspended within –  the abstract backdrop of their environment. The holistic scene is constructed by harmonising subtle tones with elements of boldly coloured, gestural brushwork; these paintings follow the terra incognita of the soul: a work in progress. 

See inside the studio

Interrupted Silence by Toni Cogdell
