Coast, Morning Storm Clearing

Emily Gregory-Smith

120 x 90 cm | 47 x 35 in

Subject: Landscapes & Nature
Tags: Sky

Original painting in stoneware on canvas.


Emily Gregory-Smith

Meeting wild landscapes with an open heart and brave technique is what Emily Gregory-Smith takes up as her artist’s challenge. From her studio in Aberystwyth, she recreates the surrounding Welsh coastal areas, estuaries, and inland river valleys that otherwise might remain a local secret. Freshness and vitality infuse each piece; open skies, pale light and clarifying blues are what leads works to mesmerise and uplift the viewer. Smudgy mark-making mimics the wind-swept work of nature itself, bringing a rawness and elemental coolness to the two-dimensional picture plane. One of New Blood Art’s first represented artists in 2005, Gregory-Smith’s masterful technique and assured artistic intuition truly deepens with each new piece. 

More original works by Emily Gregory-Smith

Coast, Morning Storm Clearing by Emily Gregory-Smith
