Stefano Pallara

Stefano Pallara

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Degree: Languages
University: Universita' del Salento
Graduation Year: 1999

New Blood Art Commentary

Stefano Pallara’s work embodies a contemporary evolution of the Futurist ethos. While the Italian Futurists of the early 20th century celebrated industrial modernity and technological advancement, Pallara's vision transcends the material, exploring the spiritual dimensions of the future. His work invites us to imagine a world of psychological and existential evolution, a transcendental shift in human awareness.

Delving into existential themes, Pallara’s practice is a meditation on impermanence, attachment, and the transcendence of the ego. His work invites the viewer on a journey beyond the thinking mind, reconnecting with nature and discovering psychological freedom and inner peace. With a visionary approach, Pallara’s work is both powerful and visceral, employing colour in a way that captivates and evokes profound emotional responses. 

In his dynamic, expressive portraits, echoes of Futurist sculptor Umberto Boccioni emerge—not in form or palette but in their energy and philosophical resonance. Pallara extends this lineage into the present, offering art that bridges the physical and the metaphysical, presenting a future not of machines but of consciousness, connection, and inner peace.


Artist Statement

My work revolves around personal meditations on existential quests like impermanence, attachment and transcending the ego. A journey beyond the thinking mind that connects to nature and brings psychological freedom and inner peace.

Solo Exhibitions

(2018) Colourdive, Satirio, London