30 x 42 cm | 11 x 16 in
Subject: Abstract
Tags: Order, Repetition, Subtle, Organic
Original mixed media drawing in mixed media on paper.
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Echo and seam in the empathy of forms and colours chiming. The entities – or composites, or individuals – that make up each work transit in a rhythmic scattering, an errant flow. Repetition conjures memory here. In the currents that sometimes track Krati Doshi’s forms off the side of the frame you can see why she names contemporary US artist Heather Day as an influence, whose freedom of expression is exactly achieved by a mediated placement of mark and colour – and who calls her paintings “mind maps”. Krati Doshi’s is also a precise choreography, bringing to mind influences Joan Miro and Wassily Kandisky too. In her work there’s a sense of the embryonic: what emerges through the therapeutic and analytic, the spontaneous and contemplative.