30th Sep 2015

New Artist: Anna Choutova

My paintings are concerned with the intensity of consumer culture – breathing life into lifeless products, making them irresistible and essential to us. Aggressive consumerism is one of the most crucial aspects of modern visual culture, one to which we’ve become gradually accustomed, and therefore oblivious. My paintings are a response to this. Taking something mundane like tinned food or a box of Tic-Tacs, and pumping it full of luscious colour, enlarging its scale and totally re-branding it. Or on the other hand, painting a person and turning them into a caricature, a toothpaste advert, a mask rather than a face. My paintings represent reality through the lens of Western consumerism.


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29th Aug 2023

Celebrating 20 years of working with art institutions across the UK

New Blood Art wouldn't be possible without the incredible arts institutions across the UK. The passion of the fantastic tutors, lecturers and the course...

16th Jan 2023

Introducing Two New Artists

We’ve got two new artists to introduce this week, with some exciting qualities I’m pleased to share with you. As you probably know, the degree shows...

26th Jul 2022

Introducing 2022 Graduate Sarah MacFarlane

The innovative technique Sarah MacFarlane has developed to create her work is immediately striking. The ruched surface of her landscapes comes...

25th Jul 2022

Latest Artists to Arrive at the Gallery

This week’s emerging artists show fantastic sensitivity to the possibilities of their medium – applied in very different research directions...

11th Dec 2017

Christina Kim-Symes – invest now

Delighted to introduce to you new artist Christina Kim-Symes. I came across Christina’s work earlier in the year at the Wimbledon School of Art degree...

26th Oct 2017

New Artist: Christian Neuman

My constructed objects refer to paintings in a broader sense. I am interested in pushing the limits as to how far my objects can still be considered paintings...

26th Oct 2017

New Artist: Jody Little

Representing icons from the golden age of Hollywood, Jody Little reflects on the prevailing mysticism surrounding figures who no longer have a physical...

26th Oct 2017

New Artist: Jasmine Mills

Jagged patterns, dragging brush strokes, and sheets of colour, intertwine and vibrate against each other in the abstract landscape paintings of Jasmine...

26th Oct 2017

New Artist: David McConochie

Not unlike early cubism, David McConochie experiments with form through dramatic fragmentation -  his images of landscapes are arranged into grid-like...

18th Oct 2017

New Artist: David Rae

Selected for 2018 RSA New Contemporaries, David Rae is part of a growing interest in the possibility of unspoken narratives through the use of realism...