“There is a palpable tension and edginess in Sophie Baker’s landscapes. Her deserted frontiers, abandoned quarries and overgrown woodlands bear witness to man’s intrusive activity and impact on the landscape.”
All photographs below are by talented Photographer Retts Wood. Within her photographic series ‘A Room Of Ones Own’, Rett explains that she has been …“asking women who create to show me the spaces in which they work and think, whether they be purpose built studios or the city streets, and what those spaces, or the notion of needing a room of one’s own, means to them.”
“In 1929 Virginia Woolf published an extended essay in which she posited that “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”. To my mind, the same could be said of any creative endeavour, and as much today as it was then. Sexual equality may have come a long way since then, but anyone who wants to create still needs somewhere to do it, a prize often harder won by women than by men…”
– Retts Wood