Sunset Over Suilven

Gabrielle J Moore

160 x 80 cm | 62 x 31 in

Subject: Landscapes & Nature
Tags: Sunset, Scotland, Mountain

Original painting in oil on clear perspex.


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Gabrielle J Moore

Narrative winds itself intuitively through the work of Gabrielle Moore. Using an array of found images Moore creates scenes of suspected malice, presumed grief or even comical mystery. The diversity of Moore’s scope certainly creates a thought provoking experience. We are unable to grasp the situation but are given a surreal glimpse at a scene we inevitably cannot interpret. The pieces pay homage to our own experiences of the world around us and the connections we make with certain symbols. As such these pieces can be interpreted, and explained in numerous approaches giving them each a seemingly multidimensional crux.

Sunset Over Suilven by Gabrielle J Moore
