Painting Is Infinite (Winter Hexagon 3)

David Om

61 x 52 cm | 24 x 20 in

Subject: Landscapes & Nature
Tags: Stars, Winter, Meditation, Space, Hexagonal

Original painting in mixed media on canvas.

With tiny 3D figurine on the bottom stretcher bar.

Om’s obscure pricing may reflect a deeper artistic reference - as £436 seems to be referring to the sound frequency of 436 Hz - a tuning fork frequency for the A4 note. This reference to sound and harmony in Om’s cosmic landscape suggests that the artwork itself serves as a point of reference, inviting viewers to tune into a broader existential frequency to maintain balance and perspective. Just as musicians use A4 to achieve perfect pitch, Om’s encourages us to find our own particular resonance against and within the vast universes.


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David Om

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See Investable Artists 
Selected for: Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2017, John Moores Painting Prize 2014, Lynn Painter-Stainers 2015. Pre-selected for: Royal Society of British Artists 2015, BP Portrait Award 2015.

David OMs skyscapes and telescopes communicate a huge sense of scale. Observatories ogle upwards like giant eyeballs, and miniature figurines gaze outwards through trompe d'oiel windows – created by the frame that stretches the canvas. Showing us the back of the canvas in this way suggests that the image lies somewhere in the infinite yonder.

There is a sense of dignified Zen-like detachment to much of David OM's work, many of his compositions function through minimalism and juxtaposition clarified through studious critical practice. At the core of his work oscillates a pure sense of wonder alternating with a cold nihilism. His art often interacts with space science and astronomy whilst incorporating a metaphysical subtext that enables subject matter to assume new (often existential) symbolic meanings.

Astrophysics and figurine art are both subjects that capture the public imagination at present. Brian Cox meets London street artist Slinkachu with these playful reflections on the universe.

Painting Is Infinite (Winter Hexagon 3) by David Om
