Lisa Denyer

Lisa Denyer

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Degree: BA (Hons) Fine Art
University: Coventry University
Graduation Year: 2010

New Blood Art Commentary

A smudge, an imprint. Residue. On initial glance, there’s a speed to Lisa Denyer’s paintings. Perhaps her lines of dragged paint, wet on wet, give echoes of the marks our fingers make on a touch screen. Or maybe they signify the process of painting, of moving around paint in search of solutions. Quickly, however, we register the depth apparent in her works. This is a physical depth, the result of layers of paint and gradual build-up. We look at Denyer’s materials and see, amongst others, sandpaper and chalkboard paint. In common, both of these materials imply an impermanence. in conventional use, sandpaper is an abrasive material used to remove layers on old material, often paint. On the other hand, chalkboard paint provides the ground on which one draws in chalk. Of course, chalk lines can be removed with a damp cloth. They are inherently impermanent. Such layering of materials and their associative characteristics creates meaning: a metaphorical depth accompanies the physical. Denyer’s paintings, as such, ask us to take a moment. We are asked to reflect on the painting’s materials, on their use, and perhaps above all, on painting’s ability to slow things down and to provide a pause, a break from the speed of our daily lives.

Artist Statement

My practice explores the polarities of a slow, considered painting process against the speed and sensory perceptions of daily life. The work relates to the body, the spaces we inhabit, and the visuals we encounter on a day-to-day basis.

Surfaces are developed using paper cut outs in an approach that is both spontaneous and contemplative. Geometric elements and gestural marks are tested on a variety of substrates including weighty plywood, clay, canvas, panel, and sandpaper. These materials are selected for their textual qualities and for the way they assist, and disrupt the application of paint.



Solo Exhibitions

(2023) Colour Theory, OSKA, Edinburgh

(2019) Reset, PAPER, Manchester

(2018) A Piece of Magic, Volume, Berlin

Group Exhibitions

(2023) Objects, Axel Obiger, Berlin

(2023) SSA 130 Years, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh

(2022) Routes North, Messums, Harrogate

Competitions, Prizes & Awards

(2019) Kleinwort Hambros Award

(2015) PS Mirabel Award

(2010) Gilchrist Fisher Award