Evie Mae

Evie Mae

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Degree: Intermedia
University: The University of Edinburgh
Graduation Year: 2024

New Blood Art Commentary

Evie Mae Harding (b. 2001) is an artist whose work deftly synthesizes ancient artisanal techniques with inquiries into perception and value systems. Working primarily through scagliola decorative plasterwork and the raku ceramic firing process, she creates abstract, organic forms that harmonize material seduction with deeper conceptual layers.

The scagliola technique, dating to 17th century Italy and involving intricate layering of pigmented plasters, allows Harding to imbue her plaster sculptures with unique patterns and textures that transcend the humble material. Her use of the raku process, originating in 16th century Japanese tea ceremonies of rapidly cooling red-hot pieces, produces distinctive crackled glazes evocative of eroded artifacts.

While initially captivating through their rich materiality, Harding's biomorphic forms contain strata that prompt reconsideration of how value and meaning are ascribed. There are echoes of Italian painter Giorgio Morandi's reverent depictions of humble vessels. Amorphous plaster shapes emerge from and recede into plinths, suggesting an eternal cycle with the earth. Her raku-fired ceramics take on qualities of ancient relics, inviting reflection on what society chooses to elevate over time.Harding's practice centers on "perception of material & perception of self" - the abstract, open-ended nature of her sculptures allows space for self-reflection on this interplay. Her artisanal processes and conceptual underpinnings create works that first attract through formal beauty, only to then destabilize assumptions through deeper inquiries into perceived value systems.

Harding is a nominee for the 2024 New Blood Art Prize. Recent exhibitions include the group show "Pilot" at West Barnes Studio, Edinburgh (2024).

Artist Statement

My work centres around perception. 

Perception of material 

& Perception of the self

It is a consideration of value. 

Value given 

& Values chosen 

More broadly, it is recognising how ‘I am’, ‘you are’, ‘one is’ perceived. I work with artisanal techniques such as Scagliola and Raku Firing to produce sculptures which pull you in with their attraction, but upon further inspection are layered with readings that encourage a rethinking of the perceived value.

Group Exhibitions

(2024) Pilot, West Barnes Studio, West Barnes Art, Dunbar

(2024) ECA Graduate Show 2024, Edinburgh Collage of Art, Edinburgh

(2022) BOOKMARKS, ECA, Edinburgh Collage of Art, Edinburgh

(2022) Residents Work In Progress, Custom Lane, Edinburgh

Competitions, Prizes & Awards

(2024) New Blood Art Emerging Art Prize Nomination

(2024) University of Edinburgh School of Art Studentship Award

(2024) University of Edinburgh Art Collection Purchase Prize.

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