2008-01-01 ..New Blood Art (www.newbloodart.com), exhibits the work of young artists and recent graduates. There are very few galleries these days that do not have a website but the extent to which it is integrated into the business can vary immensely. For some it will merely be a shop window in which to market their wares and advertise exhibitions. Others have forsaken bricks and mortar altogether and trusted to the fact that there is a growing constituency of buyers who are prepared to find and buy art online. Those that are sceptical of the online market for art sales cite a number of reasons why the medium will not take off but many of these can be overcome. One criticism is that the internet does not allow for the interaction with the dealer or artists that collectors have when visiting a physical gallery or studio. Yet online collectors claim that their correspondence with artists--largely by email--often allows them greater, more personal access, unmediated by dealers.