We are delighted to share that Sophie Lloyd is the winner of the New Blood Art Emerging Art Prize 2023. The New Blood Art Emerging Art Prize launched in 2023 in collaboration with UK art colleges and universities across the UK. New Blood Art partnered with StART to present and co-curate an exhibition of the shortlisted artists at Saatchi Gallery. The prize marks an exciting new evolution in curatorial technique, which invites greater input from tutors, heads of department, colleges and the commercial art fair. Deferring to the wisdom of those who know artists and their work the best, New Blood Art invited three nominations from each institution. A wealth of expertise goes into creating the list of nominees. New Blood Art celebrates the pivotal role of institutions and individual tutors in fostering exciting new talent.
Sophie’s practice has evolved into a sophisticated, entirely original and identifiable style. Her unique and witty vision manipulates sugar, together with traditional stained-glass materials to explore consumerism, gluttony and entertainment. Sophie also exhibits the commitment and professionalism that we see in artists who go on to establish long-term careers.
Artist Statement
“My work is about things we consume and how they consume us. The sculptures with their shoddy facade of stained-glass references fairground scams, characters of entertainment, and sugar sculptures of renaissance banquets. As a crowd of sugar sculptures, they line up, mouths open, awaiting their final blow while the dramatics of degrading sugar plays out. Together the figures portray the temporality within an algorithmic self whose reality is set in entertainment. Their façades are tinged with an authentic body that sees their own predicament; the desire to have more even when they are full and their subsequent deterioration. The work critiques the controlling grip of consumerism whilst exploring the tipping willingness of the consumer to let it take hold.”
We will be holding a solo show for Sophie Lloyd next year (location to be confirmed) and are very much looking forward to see how her work develops over the coming year.
Sophie has been in high demand since graduating this year with many and varied achievements. She is winner of the inaugural Anthony Caro Sculpture Prize 2023 and recipient of a significant commission for the Alexander McQueen Saranbande banquet. Sophie is in such demand that we currently have no work available for sale. If you are interested in acquiring a piece by Sophie Lloyd – please respond to this email to be added to the waiting list. Sophie Lloyd has moved directly into the Masters section of New Blood Art.