The Tower Building

Keith Robinson

76 x 76 cm | 29 x 29 in

Subject: Landscapes & Nature

Original painting in oil on canvas. - tower block opposite waterloo station, London.

"I have always been interested in looking at the common place and the familiar, the places we pass by everyday yet perhaps pass us by, the ever changing look of the 'normal' - this underlies my latest series of work on 'The Tower Block'." 


Keith Robinson

Listen to Keith in conversation with Sarah on the podcast
Keith Robinson shortlisted for 2021 Scottish Portrait Awards
Notable Achievements 2021 

The familiar front of a high rise at dusk swells with cascading light. Each window block correlates into a soft patchwork pattern, breaking up the regimented architecture of steel and glass to orchestrate a painterly consideration of buildings that dominate the city’s landscape. Keith Robinson’s paintings seem to lie between Georgia O’Keefe’s romanticized depiction of New York skyscrapers and the De Stijl school of abstract painters, whose ‘concrete’ paintings contain a sense of rhythm in their shape and form. His thin and fluid palette creates a dense and shimmering mirage on canvas, playfully contradicting the very structures he is representing.

More original works by Keith Robinson

The Tower Building by Keith Robinson
