25 x 34 cm | 9 x 13 in
Subject: People
Tags: Ink, Reclining
Original mixed media drawing on paper.
"Shroud is an imprint, memory, trace left behind. It is the way as I remember what I've seen."
Themes of Christianity have long pervaded the artist’s canvas, and Zsolt Dudás aims to bring to life the iconography as both markers of time and as a reflection of our continual search for meaning. The work is haunting - the gestural marks form twisted, distorted, bodies. The paintings act like visual translations of William Blake’s enigmatic, yet disquieting prose; “I still & shall to Eternity Embrace Christianity and Adore him who is the Express image of God but I have traveled thro Perils & Darkness not unlike a Champion. I have Conquered and shall still Go on Conquering.” The work similarly conveys the struggle to understand life, death, and the significance of it all.