On the Cross II

Zsolt Dudás

29 x 42 cm | 11 x 16 in

Subject: People
Tags: Dramatic, Biblical

Original painting in mixed media on paper.


Zsolt Dudás

Themes of Christianity have long pervaded the artist’s canvas, and Zsolt Dudás aims to bring to life the iconography as both markers of time and as a reflection of our continual search for meaning. The work is haunting - the gestural marks form twisted, distorted, bodies. The paintings act like visual translations of William Blake’s enigmatic, yet disquieting prose; “I still & shall to Eternity Embrace Christianity and Adore him who is the Express image of God but I have traveled thro Perils & Darkness not unlike a Champion. I have Conquered and shall still Go on Conquering.” The work similarly conveys the struggle to understand life, death, and the significance of it all.

On the Cross II by Zsolt Dudás
